Tomi for Truth & Freedom

Promises Kept
Tomi was elected our Representative for House District 6 in 2022. Over these past two years, she has proved to be a voice for the people of Converse County. Listed below are the two bills that Tomi successfully sponsored and ushered through the Legislature and onto the Governor's desk, and a Senate File she co-sponsored.
House Bill 175
HB 175 specifies that students be entitled to excused absences from school when attending 4-H, FFA, and State Fair events. This elevates our agriculturally focused students to the same playing field as kids involved in athletics, band, or speech and debate.
House Bill 144
HB144 (senior citizen district programs and services) allows our senior citizen districts to put their lawfully collected revenue to use for the expansion, renovation, improvement, and maintenance of their facilities by scaling back onerous regulatory obstacles.
Senate File 99
Tomi co-sponsored SF 99, which bans so-called "gender affirming care" for minor children.
Voting Records
Tomi's voting records can be found on wyoleg.gov. Please take a look at these records to see how Tomi speaks for the people.